Stick with the Program

Take the Next Step

& Keep Moving Forward

The Marriage Fitness program gave you the guidance you needed. But now that it's ending, you're might be wondering:

Where do I turn for help now?

What's my assignment going forward?

Who do I ask questions to?

Who will inspire me when I'm not motivated?

It's true. The Marriage Fitness program does a good job, but is also leaves YOU with a job to be done. And that's why you need...

Marriage Fitness Plugged-In

The Program that Keeps You Moving Forward

Trying to save your marriage is an ONGOING PROCESS. And unless you stay "plugged-in", you'll go back to your old ways and fall off the right path.

We all know what it's like to succeed with a diet or an exercise program only to fall back weeks later.

In marriage too, you'd be amazed how easy it is to slip back into old habits. And how quickly new habits can fall by the wayside. But you don't want that to happen. And that's why it's crucial to have a program that gives you ongoing support, inspiration, and marriage renewal strategies.

Hi. I'm Mort Fertel.

I speak from personal experience when I say that marriage renewal is an ONGOING effort. Remember what I talked about in the program...ENDURANCE IS THE KEY.

As you leave the safety, support, and nurturing of your Marriage Fitness program, I encourage you to join the Marriage Fitness Plugged-In Program™ so you have the support you need to continue your effort.

Here's what you get when you joinMarriage Fitness Plugged-In


Ask me any question or listen and learn as I respond to others. Every month I'll teach you how to handle new situations and give you insights into the developing dynamics of a marriage in renewal.



Each month you'll get an audio recording of the above mentioned Q&A teleconference to add to your home learning collection. You'll never miss a teleconference...and inspiration and information will always be just a click away.



There's simply no substitute for having guided work for your marriage each week. When you join Marriage Fitness Plugged-In™, every week you get a new marriage fitness exercise. These exercises were not part of the Marriage Fitness program you just completed nor are they published anywhere else. They are exclusively designed for Marriage Fitness Plugged-In members.



The Dear Mort Report™ is published monthly exclusively for Marriage Fitness Plugged-In members. Each issue will feature a real life scenario, my analysis of the situation, and my advice on how to handle it. Cases are selected based on their value to a wide audience and my response will include teachings relevant for all marriages.



When you become a Marriage Fitness Plugged-In™ member, you get FREE access to any Marriage Fitness tele-seminar. Need a pick-me-up or a refresher course, just click and listen anytime.



As a Marriage Fitness Plugged-In™ member, you get 50% OFF every product or service you purchase (excludes private sessions and merchandise offered at wholesale). That includes books, home learning systems, seminars, workshops, and future product and service offerings.

Wow! Right?

If all that doesn't keep you on track, then nothing will. And that's exactly what you need to ensure that you continue to make progress in your marriage.

Now you might be concerned with how much all this is going to cost. After all, if you do the math, the features of the program are WORTH OVER $300 per month. But I want a follow-up program that’s affordable. So I’m offering the Marriage Fitness Plugged-In membership for…

ONLY $29.99/month

That means that for LESS THAN $1/DAY you can get ongoing marriage support, guidance, instruction, and inspiration. Is your marriage worth $1/day? Of course it is.

And here's a BONUS offer for you. If you register now, you'll get your choice of one of the following FREE:

FREE PDF version of Marriage Fitness


FREE recording of "Put Love First"


To claim your bonus, simply register and then email Rebecca, my assistant, at with "Plugged-In Bonus" in the subject line and list your bonus selection in the body of the email. Your bonus will be mailed to you the next business day.


Cancel Anytime. No obligation.

Your Marriage Fitness Plugged-In membership is risk-free. If you're not satisfied for any reason, you can cancel your membership at any time. No questions asked. So go ahead and register now for Marriage Fitness Plugged-In.

Marriage Fitness Plugged-Inwith Mort Fertel

I wish you continued success with your marriage renewal process and, as always, I'm here to help you in any way I can.

Warm regards,

Mort Fertel
Author & Founder of Marriage Fitness

P.S. Remember, marriage renewal is a process. I encourage you to stay in the process. Don't lose your momentum. Keep feeding yourself inspiration and information about how to succeed with your marriage. If you have any questions, be in touch.

Marriage Fitness Plugged-Inwith Mort Fertel